Women's Pelvic Physical Therapy
Every woman deserves quality care
Aging, childbirth, surgery, and other medical conditions can all have a serious impact on pelvic function. Urinary incontinence is a major issue that women all around the world deal with every day, all while being told that a little urine is normal and to accept it as a part of getting older. Abdominal pain, pelvic pain, and sexual dysfunction can arise following the birth of a child and no one talks about how to fix it. Mother's carry babies and put their bodies through the trauma of childbirth, yet physical therapy is rarely prescribed to help gain strength and function back.
We reject the claim that any of these dysfunctions or pains are normal. Our experts have committed themselves to helping women like you reclaim their lives. If you're ready for change then you're in the right place!
Our Approach
Get help no matter where you are
Pelvic Health Physical Therapy
When you come to us for your pelvic rehab, you can always be certain that you are receiving the highest quality care from start to finish!​
You will receive intake paperwork to fill out online, beforehand.
During your evaluation appointment, your medical history will be reviewed and you will be guided through an examination which will include tests and measures, movement screening, self-palpation, and a visual checkup.
Plan to spend one full hour with us during this kickoff meeting!
A plan of care will then be developed and you will receive home exercises to begin alleviating your symptoms.
Follow-up sessions are 45 minutes in length. You will be re-assessed and given progressions in your home exercise program. You may also receive helpful guidance for nutrition, sleep, breathing, and lifestyle management to help you heal.
All you need is an internet connection and the ability to follow the plan provided for you!